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Art History Tutors in Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion

Highest Quality Art History Tutors in Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion. Get Art History Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Laura S

Tutor in Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion
Tutor in Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion
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I have extensive knowledge of Art history from high school and at the university level, as it constitutes a major part of my degree, B.Sc Architecture.

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Nadine P

Tutor in Clubview, Centurion
Tutor in Clubview, Centurion
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 21 Hours Tutored
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I have been involved in the arts for over 10 years. I am currently studying a degree in design and so am able to keep up with trends.

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Kirra E

Tutor in Craighall Park, Randburg
Tutor in Craighall Park, Randburg
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 18 Hours Tutored
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I did art for my entire high school career and received 99 % on my prelim paper for art history. I often sketch in my free time and I am particularly adept at sketching with pen. I have never gotten less than a distinction for art history.

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Chikita B

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Hours tutored 814 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion for Visual Art. I achieved a distinction in Art in Matric and would love to help others do the same! I still find myself engaging in creative projects and reading about Art History in my free time.

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Katlego S

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Hours tutored 485 Hours Tutored
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I scored an A and I master both theory and substance, particular, methods of study and writing technique.

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Arno M

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Hours tutored 468 Hours Tutored
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I have a masters degree in Art and have taught Art History at two different universities as an adjunct lecturer.

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Shingirai K

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Hours tutored 2657 Hours Tutored
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I recieved great success and maintained high levels of continued success teaching students Art History beyond secondary education level, I have recieved pleasing results with students, educational institutions and parents alike.

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Minenhle N

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Hours tutored 559 Hours Tutored
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Hello! I am Minnie and I am a qualified teacher. I like to treat my classes a bit differently than usual. I find it important to have my students speak during classes and be interactive with me. This helps me identify your strengths and weaknesses.

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Marinus B

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Hours tutored 1856 Hours Tutored
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Art is my passion, I love to do it and teach it. I believe that I am able to draw students to a deeper understanding of the content and draw out a passion in them.

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Leoui J

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chip background star 4.9
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 487 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I'm very knowledgeable in the field of art history and have a lot of experience in academic essay writing in the humanities.This was one of my favourite subjects at school. I would be able to help in both detailed and broader picture matters.

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