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Thobani M

29 years old

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I am a fast learner who is always neat, on time, and able to work under pressure. I take any challenge and make a success out of it.

I am passionate about tutoring, and I have been involved in helping other learners since Grade 12. I am currently a volunteer tutor for the ASSIST program which helps secondary school learners with their studies.


• Matriculated in 2012 from H.B Nyathi Secondary School
• Currently, a 3rd-year student at Wits University studying B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering
• Autodesk (fusion 360) student expect

My Proudest

• Best learner in Mathematics, IsiZulu awards (H.B Nyathi Secondary School).
• Best student in Engineering Drawing (Wits University).


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I have good reasoning, thinking and problem solving skills in Mathematics. Since a really young age I have had a passion for solving Mathematical problems.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I am really good at Physical Science, and I am able to work through the difficult aspects and help others do so.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I am proudly Zulu, I love my language and I speak fluent Zulu. I achieved an A in Matric, I am also a member of Zulu Student cultural Society where we teach each other about our culture.

  • University Tutoring

Engineering Drawing

First Year

I am highly skilled at Engineering Drawing. I have been passionate about it since I was at school and have high levels of accuracy.

Reviews from others

“He knows what he is doing very well and he interacts with me during the lessons and I learn quite a number of things. He is truly amazing ”


“Thobani and Imraan really on well as Thobani is able to explain the math problems in a way he can understand. I also find Thobani extremely respectful and reliable which I really appreciate. ”


“We are very impressed about Thobani's work ethics. He is a polite, humble gentleman who understands his subject content. Precious has shown some great progress in her subject.”


“Thobani has a great teaching style .he encourages hard work ,he was punctual and goes beyond the scope of work to ensure that the student understands .”


“Thobani is extremely an excellent tutor. ”


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