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Physical Science Tutors in Pierre van Ryneveld Park, Centurion

Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Pierre van Ryneveld Park, Centurion. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Rikard U

Tutor in Pierre van Ryneveld Park, Centurion
chip background star 5.0

Rikard U

chip background star 5.0
Tutor in Pierre van Ryneveld Park, Centurion
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 80 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I achieved a distinction in matric for physical science, which is now a big part of my degree. I would love to assist students by explaining challenging content, deepening their understanding and building their confidence in physical science.

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chip background star 4.0

Sechaba L

Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
chip background star 4.0

Sechaba L

chip background star 4.0
Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 991 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I am an experienced tutor who achieved a distinction in Physics in my high school years, I have enjoyed helping students achieve similar results!

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chip background star 5.0

Mongiwa N

Tutor in Morningside Manor, Sandton
chip background star 5.0

Mongiwa N

chip background star 5.0
Tutor in Morningside Manor, Sandton
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 307 Hours Tutored
Cannot tutor online Cannot tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I am a 3rd year Engineering student at the University of Pretoria. Physical Science was one of my favorite subjects in high school. It is actually one of the reasons I decided to study Engineering. My 3 years of knowledge of physics has grown and I believe that I am equipped to tutor.

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chip background star 4.7

Vhutali T

Tutor in Midrand, Johannesburg
chip background star 4.7

Vhutali T

chip background star 4.7
Tutor in Midrand, Johannesburg
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 385 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I passed all my Physics modules well and, I can be able to assist students who are passionate about Physics and those who just want to pass. I helped my young brother and some of his friends who were really struggling and they made it at the end.

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Mbavhalelo M

Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 238 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I have tutoring experience in Physical Science. I have also been exposed to a lot of Physical Science during my Chemical Engineering studies at university.

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chip background star 4.9

Jurgen S

Tutor in Eldoraigne, Centurion
chip background star 4.9

Jurgen S

chip background star 4.9
Tutor in Eldoraigne, Centurion
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 326 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I enjoyed Chemistry and understanding the different concepts. I aim to create engaging lessons so that students can understand the concepts and be able to apply them in assignments and tests.

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chip background star 4.8

Avashni R

Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
chip background star 4.8

Avashni R

chip background star 4.8
Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 464 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I enjoy this subject and have done the subject at university level as one of my majors in first year as I'm studying a B.Sc degree. This subject can be easily understood and loved with some help.

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chip background star 5.0

Khayelihle M

Tutor in Country View, Midrand
chip background star 5.0

Khayelihle M

chip background star 5.0
Tutor in Country View, Midrand
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 711 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I achieved 87% for Physical Science in matric and I am confident in my ability to tutor this subject well to learners.

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chip background star 4.2

Georg B

Tutor in Eldoraigne, Centurion
chip background star 4.2

Georg B

chip background star 4.2
Tutor in Eldoraigne, Centurion
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 366 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I did well in this subject during my studying period and applied the principles in my career path. I also lectured Physical Sciences for the Engineering Academy.

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chip background star 4.7

Prince M

Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
chip background star 4.7

Prince M

chip background star 4.7
Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 3655 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I can help you with Newton's Laws, energy and power, physical and organic Chemistry among many other topics. Let me help you be an A student! I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification which is strongly related to Physical Science, and I am excited to facilitate learning in this area.

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